Christ (whitish light)
Discover your personal experience
A place to relax, reflect, find meaning and purpose, a place to fing God
Lodge front
Concord Lodge
3 dining halls, 5 meeting rooms, a kitchen, a library, and a chapel ready location
Center cross
St. Mary and the cross
Side view of lodge 2
Running group in open field
Amphitheater with Patio 3
Gazebo and cabins
Running group sitting in back of lodge
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CONCORD is a CHRISTIAN Retreat Center

“Bringing everyone into the presence of God”

Concord Retreat, a Christian retreat center and conference center, began in 2000 with a vision to offer a high quality, affordable place for groups to get together and build relationships in a fun and beautiful environment.

In early 2014, Come & See, a non-profit Christian organization with a passion to help people of different age groups and from all walks of life to grow in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ, took charge over Concord.

To us, retreats are the ideal tool to discover our Lord and His love in a new way; through interaction with Him and with each other in a natural sanctuary of peace and love

What we offer

Whether you are coming with your family, church or youth group to Concord Retreat Center with its homey environment, multiple team building activities and 175 acres of beauty and fun is there at your fingertips.